Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our Trip to Packwood

Well, the snow was crazy! Brooke fell asleep along the way, when there was no snow on the ground. Then she woke up when we were almost to Morton, where there was probably 2 feet of snow. The first thing she says is, "Mommy, did it snow?" It was very cute. When we got to Packwood we pulled into Robbie's yard so that Jay could unload the wood that we had brought for them and when we tried to move, we couldn't! Don, the neighbor, had to pull us out. Brooke thought it was pretty cool! Here are a couple of pictures of the snow there...

If you look closely to the first picture you can see that there is a car in there! The second picture is the Fire Hall. It is out of control!

Here is Brookie being goofy while we decided to wait in the truck for everyone. We weren't brave enough to venture out there.

On our way home it started snowing. I'm just glad that Jay was driving! It was dark and you couldn't even see the road, but it was so beautiful. When we finally made it home, it was snowing here too! How cool is that?!

Well, it is late and I am tired. I will post more tomorrow. I have Jay's birthday dinner and the bridal show with Shara and trying on dresses to tell you all about! It was all so much fun! Stay tuned...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Task for a New Year....Happy 2009!

I have been reading blogs that friends write about their families and things that they are doing. I guess it is about time I start to also! Here is to a great new year with lots of fun and adventure for 2009...

Today we had dinner with Jay's family: His sisters, Jenny & Angela, step-dad Steve, Mom, Linda and brother & girlfriend, Jarrett & Tanya.

We opened the presents we had for each other and everyone loved what they got! Brooke had a ton of fun playing her new Toss Across Tic-Tac-Toe, thank you Grammy Linda!

While we were waiting on dinner, the guys put Jenny's new stereo in Reba, her pretty red car! She loves it, of course.

I would post pictures, but unfortunately my camera is no longer working well for me. I am very sad about this, but excited at the same time. Now I will be able, or have an excuse, to get the new camera I want with our tax return!

Well, as my husband is snoring on the couch, I am thinking I better get off of here for now and go to bed. We are off to Packwood in the morning to pick up Jay's dad, Grandpa Robbie. He is going to come and visit for a few days so he can put the exhaust in Daddy's blazer! Yay! I can't wait til it is up and running so Jay can take it out!

Good night!